Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
"Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer" As a Narration-Based، Opinion-Oriented، Surat Al-Emran، Verses 52-74
جامع التفاسير رواية ودراية جمعاً ودراسة الآيات 52 - 74 من سورة آل عمران
Subject : "Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer" As a Narration-Based، Opinion-Oriented، Surat Al-Emran، Verses 52-74 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This paper on ('Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer' as a Narration-Based، Opinion-Oriented، Compilation and Study Book of Exegesis) is a project presented to the Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies. It is divided amongst male and female students، starting with Surat Al-Fatiha، and ending with Surat Al-Emran. The paper is a completion of previous research papers; it includes verses 52-74 of Surat Al-Emran. The project aims to identify the sources of the books of exegesis، both narration-based and opinion-oriented، to combine the statements of their writers، and to state a preference among them، in addition to employing all efforts for producing an encyclopedia of commentaries (exegesis) that adopts a scientific method. Thus، the research necessitates dividing it into two chapters: the first deals with Jesus' state with his people، refuting their claims of his deity. This chapter includes four sections: The Jews' plot to kill Jesus (verses 52-54). Jesus' survival and his being raised alive to Allah (verses 55-57). The projection of the Divine Power in Jesus (verses 58-60). Calling Christians for 'Mubahala' (verses 61-63). As for chapter two، it calls all nations، ever since Abraham's times، to monotheism (the worship of Allah alone); there is also a warning against the attempt of some to plot and scheme against Muslims، to mislead them and to temper with their religion. This chapter includes four sections: : Calling the people of the Scripture to follow the example of the father of prophets (Abraham) (verse64). : Abraham's disassociation from the Jews and Christians (verses 65-67). : Warning the believers against the plot of the people of the Scripture، and showing their nature of evil and plotting (verses 68-70). : Talking about the vicious scheme plotted by the Jews to raise doubts about Islam (verses 71-74). Each section contains three topics. First: A narration-based exegesis. Second: An opinion-oriented exegesis. Third: A general interpretation. Under each topic، there are headings. The research reaches several conclusions، among which are: - The conflict between Truth and Falsehood is very old، ever since the time of Prophet Abraham. - To remain steadfast to Truth is only realized by confronting the corrupt people with reasoning and logic and not with ignorance and illusion. - The Jews' fanaticism towards others is deeply rooted in them; it is even a slogan that they proclaim. - The strength of the Islamic Creed as a bond that transcends time and place and raises the status and position of its adherent، thus Allah becomes his Guardian and Protector. All peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet 
Supervisor : سناء محمود عابد الثقفي 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1437 AH
2016 AD
Number Of Pages : 509 
Added Date : Saturday, July 27, 2019 


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حنان محمد باحمدانBahamdan, Hanan MohammadInvestigatorMaster 


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