Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
"Jame'ae Al-Tafseer" as A Narration-Based, Opinion-Oriented, Compilation and Study Book of Exegesis Surat Al-Emran, verses (33-51)
جامع التفاسير رواية ودراية جمعا ودراسة الآيات (۳۳-۵۱) من سورة آل عمران
Subject : "Jame'ae Al-Tafseer" as A Narration-Based, Opinion-Oriented, Compilation and Study Book of Exegesis Surat Al-Emran, verses (33-51) 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This paper is titled [Jame'ae Al-Tafaseer, As a Narration-Based, OpinionOriented, Compilation and Study Book of Exegesis). It is part of a research project divided among a number of post graduate students. It deals with studying books of exegesis starting from Surat Al-Fatiha. This study deals with the verses from (33-51) of Surat Al-Emran as a narration-based, opinion-oriented, compilation and study endeavour through which the sources of the Quran's exegesis and their development are identified. Also, the methods of the commentators and their techniques in writing the commentaries are considered, in addition to practising the process of compiling the commentators' statements from their assumed origins. The research paper is divided into two chapters, preceded by an introduction, then followed by a conclusion. In the introduction, the adopted method used in the research is stated, which is to compile the explanations of the Quranic verses that are mentioned in the traditions and sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions as well as their successors, followed by opinion-oriented exegesis and all that is related to it. My aim is to attain the honour of serving the Book of Allah.Chapter One: deals with the honourable status of the prophets and messengers of Allah [verses 33.41]. Chapter Two: tackles the choice and purity of Mary [verses 42-51 Each chapter includes two sections and each section includes two topics: (1) A narration-based exegesis; (2) An opinion-oriented exegesis. The study reaches several conclusions, the most important of which are as follows: Allah, the Almighty, has made a distinction in the creation of males and females, as each has his/her characteristics. To attempt eliminating these differences is contrary to the innate good nature and sound thinking. Imam Al-Tabari has his special mythodology as regards the Science of (Quran's) Readings that should be understood by knowing his intent, and the status of this science during his age. The need for further writing about the terms tradition and opinion-oriented method because many books that are classified under the title of tradition are not confined to it alone. The study provides recommendations, the most notable of which is. To call for the completion of this blessed project until it comes into being in the near future. 
Supervisor : سناء عابد الثقفي 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1437 AH
2015 AD
Number Of Pages : 254 
Added Date : Saturday, July 27, 2019 


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نهاد محمد شرقاويShergawi, Nehad MohammadInvestigatorMaster 


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