تفاصيل الوثيقة

نوع الوثيقة : مقال في مجلة دورية 
عنوان الوثيقة :
Clinical and Microbial Evaluation of Visible Light Cured Acrylic Resin in Total Maxillectomy Cases
Clinical and Microbial Evaluation of Visible Light Cured Acrylic Resin in Total Maxillectomy Cases
لغة الوثيقة : الانجليزية 
المستخلص : Maximal retentive quality besides minimal changes of micro-bial flora is one of the goals for optimal clinical performance and preservation of oral struc-lures especially in total maxillectomy cases. Purpose: This study examined the effect of two different types of acrylic resin on obturator retention and surface roughness as well as micro-bial proliferation on the prosthesis fitting surface. Materials mid methods: Right total maxillectomy class IV patients were selected for this study. Maxillary obturators were con-strueted from heat cured acrylic resin and were used forr six months. The prostheses were then rebased with visible light cured acrylic resin and were used for the following six months. Retention and surface roughness of both appliances were evaluated. Also changes in microbial flora including aerobic bacteria and Candida albicans were assessed. Results: I lie study re-vealed that visible light cured acrylic resin showed encouraging results at the initial period of the study as regards retention. surface roughness and microbial flora proliferation. However by the end of the follow up period, light cured may be comparable to heal cured acrylic resin. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this .study. it could be concluded that visible light cured acrylic resin as an obturator base is comparable to heal cured resin alter few months of being used in the oral environment. 
ردمد : 1 
اسم الدورية : مجلة عين شمس لطب الاسنان 
المجلد : 7 
العدد : 1 
سنة النشر : 2004 هـ
2004 م
نوع المقالة : مقالة علمية 
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع : Monday, May 5, 2008 


اسم الباحث (عربي)اسم الباحث (انجليزي)نوع الباحثالمرتبة العلميةالبريد الالكتروني
أمل مباركMOUBARAK, AMAL باحثدكتوراهahmabarak@kau.edu.sa


اسم الملفالنوعالوصف
 Clinical and Microbial Evaluation of Visible Light.pdf pdf 

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