Journals Policy

It includes the public policy and the work procedures that is actually applied in the library, which aims to fulfill the message within available possibilities. The important basics are:

  • It aims scientific research and university cultural and contribute to the services of the society.
  • To respect rolls and regulation and legist punishment according to the policy of library.
  • Justice and equality between beneficiaries in dealing and providing services.
  • The library policy and vocational development for staff based on support development policy to the groups in automatic systems.
  • To clarify organizational structure of the library and enable it to the website for all sections and to illustrate rules planned to explain contents and services of these sections to explain instructions and put the same for use of services such as how to use index or open shelves.
  • To prepare annual report of the library such as number of books and beneficiaries.
  • To develop the skills and technical experience of the library staff to increase social consciousness and leadership within beneficiaries to enable them to manage library collections.
  • To follow up scientific and cultural development on the level of domestic, national, regional and international follow up personal concerns for individual and groups that includes lectures , meeting , colloquiums , workshop and different activities .
  • To secure information and to keep property rights of authors and beneficiaries.
  • To develop and reinforce reading‘s skills for all different categories and depending on self to encourage them investigate through traditional and modern methods of information system and it observation.
  • To support and set courses and set to through saving schoolbooks and information resources that support it.
  • To acquire, save and enable different information sources in different traditional and modern structure for all beneficiaries.
  • To organize groups of library including, abstracting, computerization and other process that guarantee to control these groups and protect it.
  • To facilities access of beneficiaries to articles, research, references, periodicals books and other from information resources.
  • To provide sources through internal viewing, outer borrowing between libraries and provide documents and pictures.
  • To guide and lead beneficiaries by different methods such as virtual tour that is available on website of library or attend programs courses and workshops which made by library and inside library‘s building
  • To provide information and library services that includes library guide, release necessary bibliographic lists and present services of lending, portray , copy , current awareness , selective broadcast , internal services , data base , electronic archive practice and help beneficiaries and Guide them to perfect benefit from available groups.
  • To obligate the system and rolls of library that includes internal library, respecting staff and maintaining these properties.
  • To provide services to available different traditional method like: bulletin board, printed publications) or in the website and email of library.
  • Library services sector accepts suggestion of beneficiaries and involve them in a lot of services and development of the library

Last Update
4/10/2016 10:27:56 AM