References Services

About the department

Welcome to the Department of reference services, we offer all reference information services for students and faculty members and university Contacts and all beneficiaries from outside the University, and we'll show you in short the services provided by us. We hope to meet the expectations of all the beneficiaries and library visitors.

Direct reference services

An information specialist responds to all inquiries of the beneficiaries within the library and guides people to the information required in a soft and simple way and is able to train them so that they reach the information in a short time wither it be paper or electronic. Users can also communicate with the specialist within the library through the mobile phone or Computers using Whatsapp or Bluetooth to make any inquiries of reference. Also the faculty member or researchers can reserve classrooms for seminars and the department provides them with the required references by specialization that will be present in the room during their attendance to read and see them during a search. and can make a reservation through the library website.

Electronic reference services

Beneficiaries can communicate with the information specialist electronically to get the information through accessing the library's website and selecting the Ask the librarian service and it will show you the options to connect to them by either Email - Phone - Live Chat (Whatsapp) and the deanship sought to maintaing the options of communication to the beneficiaries in order to facilitate access to the information through the library's website in the most convenient modern methods.

Delivery of documents service

This service allows the delivery of information and documents to the beneficiaries via e-mail in photocopied text format out of the reference using a scanner whether the information from the dictionary - Glossary - Encyclopedia - Manual - Atlas - theses (MSc - PhD) - manuscript, and send it to the beneficiary through his e-mail registered in the Ask a librarians request form or the departments mail and the information will reach the beneficiary in the form of a file (PDF).

Photocopying Service

This service allows users to photocopy the required reference information within the library building up to a maximum of ten pages.

Please feel free to contact us for any additional information.

Last Update
10/3/2016 9:45:20 AM